Seven. To. Four. Whammy!
That object picking up speed in your rearview mirror? Oh, that's just my hand. Coming at your face. Don't worry, it's closer than it appears.
Cincinnati (-3.5) at South Florida
Bryan: USF
Chris: Cinci
Final Score: 34-17 Cincinnati
Point: Chris
Arkansas (+24) at Florida
Bryan: Arkansas
Chris: Arkansas
Final Score: 23-20 Florida
Point: Bryan, Chris
South Carolina (+17) at Alabama
Bryan: Go Cocks!
Chris: Roll Tide
Final Score: 20-6 Alabama
Point: Bryan
Oklahoma (+3.5) vs Texas
Bryan: Oklahoma
Chris: Oklahoma
Final Score: 16-13 Texas
Point: Bryan, Chris
Iowa (+2.5) at Wisconsin
Bryan: Iowa
Chris: Wisconsin
Final Score: 20-10 Iowa
Point: Bryan
USC (-10) at Notre Dame
Bryan: USC
Chris: USC
Final Score: 34-27 USC
Point: n/a
Texas Tech (+10) at Nebraska
Bryan: Texas Tech
Chris: Nebraska
Final Score: 31-10 Texas Tech
Point: Bryan
California (-3.5) at UCLA
Bryan: Cal
Chris: Cal
Final Score: 45-26 Cal
Point: Bryan, Chris
Virginia Tech (-3.5) at Georgia Tech
Bryan: Beeeeeeeees!
Chris: Virginia Tech
Final Score: 28-23 Georgia Tech
Point: Bryan
Missouri (+7) at Oklahoma State
Bryan: Misery
Chris: Mizzou
Final Score: 33-17 Oklahoma State
Point: n/a
A few quick thoughts:
I hate to say I told you so, bru, but our offense is suspect. The o-line kind of sucked, Zac Lee looked awful, and the play calling really sucked. The defense did hold Tech to 259 yards, so there's that.
Colorado found a quarterback? Scary thought.
Feels weird to say it, but I feel bad for Oklahoma. Really.
What the fuck happened in the Kansas State game? Beat. Down. Kind of wish I was there instead of in Lincoln.
And Iowa dominates another second half and marches ever closer to their dream matchup with Cincinnati in the title game.
Total Score: 34-30 Chris
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